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Xanthelasma - Study

Domenica, 13 Giugno 2021 | Written by  |

Treatment of xanthelasma with fractional plasma


Esperienze Dermatologiche 2021 March;23(1):1-6
DOI: 10.23736/S1128-9155.21.00513-6


language: English, Italian

Treatment of xanthelasma with fractional plasma


Department of Ophthalmology, The Baruch Padeh Medical Center, Poriya, Israel

BACKGROUND: Xanthelasma, which is a benign asymptomatic periorbital xanthoma, is not associated with cutaneous complications and treatment is often due to cosmetic reasons. Xanthelasma, which are depositions of yellowish cholesterol-rich material, and are associated with hyperlipidemia, or congenital disorder of lipid metabolism. Treatment modalities should be considered based on efficacy as well as cosmetic outcomes. There are different treatment modalities including: 1) surgical excision; 2) laser energy-based devices ablation; 3) topical therapy or systemic therapy; and 4) plasma-based device.

METHODS: The safety, patient satisfaction and cosmetic results of removal of xanthelasma with plasma-based device (Plasmage, Brera Medical Technologies S.r.l.; Ogliastro Cilento, Salerno, Italy) were shown in 50 patients after clinical evaluation.
RESULTS: All 50 cases of xanthelasmas were removed in our study with plasma-based device, Plasmage totally. No scars were left, and all patients were full satisfaction with almost no side effects, except local oedema and crusts which was solved quickly in few days.
CONCLUSIONS: The cosmetic outcome after removal of the xanthelasma with Plasmage, plasma-based device was excellent. The procedure of removal of xanthelasma with this plasma-energy device is safe, easy to perform, no scars, short downtime and very good patient satisfaction. This new noninvasive surgical device can be indicated also to other indications as therapy of dermatochalsis, removal of other facial or eyelids benign lesions as squamous papilloma and fibromas improving wrinkles and acne scars etc. More studies will be needed to confirm our results, but the clinical experience to date is excellent.

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of an Italian

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