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Fibroma - Skin Tag - Treatment before and after

The cutaneous fibroma is a soft relief or excrescence of the same skin color, usually connected to the skin by a peduncle. The cutaneous papilloma can occur in any area of ​​the body, even if the preferred locations are the areas where there are folds of the skin such as the eyelids and around the eyes, the sides of the neck, armpits, groin and upper chest. These small skin cancers are benign and usually asymptomatic, unless they are voluntarily traumatized
or involuntarily, from clothes or other. The causes are not known; however, it seems that the irritation, due to rubbing the skin in the folds, stimulates its growth. The pendulous fibroids are very common in the average age. They develop in men and women. They can be skin-colored or darker and varying in size from 1 to 5 mm.

Safe removal with Plasmage: without surgery, without bleeding, without need of stitches, return to immediate social life.
To take advantage of the treatment contact a doctor specializing in dermatology or plastic surgery using Plasmage.

Treatment performed by Dr. Navid Roshanaei

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of an Italian

BRERA is a pioneer in design and conception of aesthetic medical devices with 30 years of experience. Brera offers innovative solutions for the face and body in anti aging, aesthetic medicine and physiotherapy. Brera has protocols for all parts of the body & every skin type.
PLASMAGE® is entirely manufactured in Italy. Medical Device CE 1370 certified, Company ISO 9001 - ISO 13485.

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